Who needs SafeMate?

- All ages, from young children to the elderly
- People with allergies, chronic conditions and complex medical histories
- Those living with disabilities
- Seniors, particularly those at risk of falls
- Those working in high-risk dangerous occupations
- People who require full-time or permanent care
- People who require mobility assistance
- People suffering with mental health concerns
- Organisations that care for people
But ... SafeMate is for anyone.
Choose your Membership
Available Australia Wide (excluding Queensland)
Publicly Visible Information
Anyone can securely access selected details by scanning the unique QR code. You choose the details you wish to share.
Basic information such as name, age, emergency contacts and essential medical information.
Accessible By Anyone with a Smart Device
Open to any passerby, friend, or family member scanning the QR code.
SafeMate PLUS
Currently only available in Queensland
SafeMate PUBLIC is included in this plan
Accessible to QAS Paramedics only
Only authorised Queensland Ambulance Service paramedics can view the full secure details.
Comprehensive Information
Basic information PLUS additional data including medical conditions, allergies, home access, pet instructions etc.
Secured Access
Paramedics follow secure processes to access private detailed information.
Get SafeMate Today
SafeMate takes the stress away from you and your loved ones.
Choose your membershipWorking with
SafeMate speaks for you.
Peace of mind at all times.

How it works
SafeMate provides easy-to-wear or display products that store your vital information for a passerby, first responder or QLD paramedic to scan in an emergency for quick, effective treatment. Emergency triage nurses also find it helpful to swiftly identify vital medical details and medications.
Learn more
Working with Queensland Ambulance Service since 2017
Paramedics love SafeMate because it makes their job so much easier by providing quick access to vital information. Many people don’t remember all their medications. Some might be unconscious or unable to speak. With SafeMate, paramedics don’t have to hunt around to find names, next of kin details, allergy information, end of life instructions or pet care details. To get the details the patient wants to share, paramedics simply scan a SafeMate product and in a few seconds it’s all on their screen.
SafeMate Reviews
Contact Us
We always welcome your questions, concerns, queries or feedback. Please email hello@safemate.care, call us directly at (07) 3184 9109, or fill in the form and we’ll respond to you as soon as we can.